
WPtouch iPhone Theme是一个wordpress主题,他会自动侦测浏览器类型,如果使用 iPhone 或 iPod Touch 的话便会自动守转成iphone网页,提升浏览速度.

另外, WPtouch 是可以修改 theme的,在wptouch/themes/ 內.

  1. wptouch screenshot 1

    Posts on the front page

  2. wptouch screenshot 2

    Drop down menu navigation

  3. wptouch screenshot 3

    Push Messaging

  4. wptouch screenshot 4

    iPhone native select support for tags & categories

  5. wptouch screenshot 5

    Single post page post meta, options bar, comments

  6. wptouch screenshot 6

    Ajax comment form

  7. wptouch screenshot 7

    Switch link in the footer

  8. wptouch screenshot 8

    Archives page appearance (auto-generated if you have a page called 'Archives')

  9. wptouch screenshot 9

    Sample regular page


使用User Agent Switcher可用firefox模拟 iphone

安装 User Agent Switcher

设定 User Agent Switcher
工具 ==> User Agent Switcher ==> Options ==> Options ==> User Agents ==> User Agents ==> Add…

Description: iPhone
User Agent: Mobile Safari 1.1.3 – iPhone (Windows NT 6.0; U)
App Name: AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko)
App Version: Version/3.0
Platform: Mobile/1A543 Safari/419.3



Technorati 标签: wordpress主题,,


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